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4-vektor: Yes, sir! I added more information, sir!
dtgreene: Good, except that I'm not a sir.
Just playing on the grumpy tone of your comment. “Sir” is used regardless of gender e.g. in the Navy.
I can only hope there's still an audience for this game given the time that has passed. Whatever problems this game may or may not have had have cleanly been laid out on a table for a while.
Darvond: I can only hope there's still an audience for this game given the time that has passed. Whatever problems this game may or may not have had have cleanly been laid out on a table for a while.
The game has improved a lot, especially after the latest updates and the recent UI overhaul.
PaterAlf: Let's see if backers will get the GOG keys they've promised.
Lone_Scout: I received a backer survey a few hours ago. The option of a GOG key was available.
I’m still waiting for this email.
Post edited November 18, 2020 by 4-vektor
Oh, great to see that it's finally coming. I've been looking forward to this.
Darvond: I can only hope there's still an audience for this game given the time that has passed. Whatever problems this game may or may not have had have cleanly been laid out on a table for a while.
I was very interested until they jumped on the Epic exclusive bandwagon. Now, while I'm still interested, given my huge back catalog of unplayed games, I'll just relegate this one to the 'a few months or years down the road when it's 90% off' category.
Krschkr: Alas, I've largely lost my interest in Phoenix Point during its one year GOG release delay. I may put it on my wishlist and wait for some future sale, but I don't know whether I'm still interested enough in the game to actually buy it.
thats one problem with these exclusives... ppl that really dont want to use epic may either lose interest waiting for it, or lose interest once the release warts are available publicly and what may have been a preorder of the deluxe may end up being only buying the base on a deep sale or not at all. not to mention screwing the backers like they did i'm sure turned a lot of ppl away from ever considering this game. i didn't know about it to back and i'm glad i didn't, but when it was coming to gog i was all in on buying or preordering the deluxe. now im really not sure since it doesnt look as great as they promised, what they did to backers, and generally being slimy like they were. im def not supporting it with a preorder or getting any extras, it will be the base on a deep sale if at all

the worst part was how they did the backers with the epic deal, but im curious how much they gain by that deal compared to releasing it everywhere. mechwarrior five is a perfect example, ive waited almost 20 years for that so i can wait a couple more until it's released here. that i may actually buy with whatever discount gog gives upon release, but that game is a dream come true for me
4-vektor: Phoenix Point Year One Edition will now release on December 3, 2020 on Steam, EGS and, one week earlier than planned. You can wishlist the game today here:
why would you come to this site to announce a game that is coming here the exact same day it's released to the other platforms, then link to steam to wishlist it? if we wanted it on steam we would read about it there.
Post edited November 18, 2020 by Gylfe
Krschkr: Alas, I've largely lost my interest in Phoenix Point during its one year GOG release delay. I may put it on my wishlist and wait for some future sale, but I don't know whether I'm still interested enough in the game to actually buy it.
Gylfe: thats one problem with these exclusives... ppl that really dont want to use epic may either lose interest waiting for it, or lose interest once the release warts are available publicly and what may have been a preorder of the deluxe may end up being only buying the base on a deep sale or not at all. not to mention screwing the backers like they did i'm sure turned a lot of ppl away from ever considering this game. i didn't know about it to back and i'm glad i didn't, but when it was coming to gog i was all in on buying or preordering the deluxe. now im really not sure since it doesnt look as great as they promised, what they did to backers, and generally being slimy like they were. im def not supporting it with a preorder or getting any extras, it will be the base on a deep sale if at all

the worst part was how they did the backers with the epic deal, but im curious how much they gain by that deal compared to releasing it everywhere. mechwarrior five is a perfect example, ive waited almost 20 years for that so i can wait a couple more until it's released here. that i may actually buy with whatever discount gog gives upon release, but that game is a dream come true for me
4-vektor: Phoenix Point Year One Edition will now release on December 3, 2020 on Steam, EGS and, one week earlier than planned. You can wishlist the game today here:
Gylfe: why would you come to this site to announce a game that is coming here the exact same day it's released to the other platforms, then link to steam to wishlist it? if we wanted it on steam we would read about it there.
It’s a verbatim citation of the info text on the Phoenix Point website which contains the link in the running text, that’s why. I’ll remove the offensive link.
Post edited November 19, 2020 by 4-vektor
Glad to see GOG getting former Epic exclusives. this one doesn't have a ton of votes, but Outer Worlds did (though maybe those were cast before most people decided the game was mediocre) so seeing OW come here was really cool.

oh i see. no i was legitimately wondering why you would link to steam in these forums, not offensive

i'm sorry if you thought i was being negative toward you and i would not ask you to edit your post on my account. it just seemd weird talking about it releasing here and then linking to the steam page, but that makes complete sense you were just reposting from another source since most ppl use steam
dtgreene: * Fails to describe what sort of game "Phoenix Point" is.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: It's an XCOM clone.
it is not so much anXCOM clone, as the next game by Jullian Gallop - the man who made the original UFO: Enemy Unknown (which XCOM is a cone of...) games and Laser Squad, arguably the first game in this genre
Post edited November 19, 2020 by amok
Exactly, that was the original draw of it that made ppl back it and get excited for it.

That is exactly why I backed Star Citizen, because Chris Roberts was part of it. I was never in to Wing Commander, but I understood it was just like the series that got me into space sims, the xwing series. I did kind of get burned with that with its never ending development and them removing the ability to play offline as they originally promised. They say they never promised that, but I had a link to a post from the devs saying there would be the ability to create a private server and experience the entire universe in single player. Now all you're getting for SP is the campaign and not free exploration of the huge universe and the full experience.

I still have hope it will be as good as I imagined and I will likely end up getting it on sale because the xcom series is among my favorite games
It would be nice opportunity to release also other Julian Gollop's games. E.g. Laser Squad: Nemesis. Man, I had so much fun with this game. Despite the fact that I'm not a big fan of those turns with real time mix.
Some games come to GOG to die?
Gylfe: oh i see. no i was legitimately wondering why you would link to steam in these forums, not offensive

i'm sorry if you thought i was being negative toward you and i would not ask you to edit your post on my account. it just seemd weird talking about it releasing here and then linking to the steam page, but that makes complete sense you were just reposting from another source since most ppl use steam
I simply cited the info on their website in full out of habit. I don’t like to redact that kind of stuff, and I can understand why someone could get the impression that it was odd to see only the Steam link. Snapshot angered a lot of GOG community members (especially on the Phoenix Point Subreddit) when they didn’t live up to their promise to backers that it would be released on both GOG and Steam at the same time and that backers could choose for which platform they would like to get their key. And it was even more frustrating after their surprise 1 year Epic exclusivity stunt, which was quite a slap in the face of the backers.
Post edited November 19, 2020 by 4-vektor
Well, I guess it has been a while since I last missed at point blank range five times in a row and then got killed by an enemy I couldn't even see from the other end of the board.