It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Yepoleb: I'm fairly certain this is not a problem of talent but rather of priorization. Any half-decent web developer would be able to fix these issues in very short time because they're reliably reproduced. That could explain the last two issues, but the others are clearly programming mistakes.
I would like to know anything of ANYTHING regarding GOG's internal priorities regarding this.
low rated
Don't the polish put garlic on their front steps / porches oh wait that's Lithuania.
§pectre: Which isn't a bad situation.
Darvond: In my books I'd class Poland as a backwater parochial country, some place I wouldn't find comfortable living. As mentioned in the thread I crossposted directly, the rate of catholicity is too high; and that's just not counting cultural factors among the many other factors I directly mention in the thread.
America is similarly religious as us.

Working for CD Projekt means working in either Warsaw or Cracow, both of which are pretty well developed coties where people usually don't care abiut your religiosity.
Finally got an answer from support after 20 days... merging both tickets into one and asking me to confirm if it's still relevant. Argh. they're not the same issue! You can tell because everything about them is completely different apart from the "friend request" in the title. Has anyone tried contacting the developers directly? How did it go? Dealing with regular support is so frustrating because they seem to do everything to not have to handle your ticket when all I want to do is give thoroughly researched technical bug reports.
Yepoleb: I'm fairly certain this is not a problem of talent but rather of priorization. Any half-decent web developer would be able to fix these issues in very short time because they're reliably reproduced.
Sometimes things seem far simpler than they are or should be.

I would challenge that it is so simple, because of the complexity of the bloatware aspect. Add to that the notion that fixes are adhoc like bandaids, though I cannot say that is a fact, but rather an observation, based on how things seem ... in other words continual re-occurrences.

Either as has been suggested, the whole setup needs an overhaul and perhaps updated software etc, or it is just needing to have enough free money to throw at it.

Galaxy because it is browser based, no doubt suffers from many of the same types of issues. On that note, if they approached things how they should, and wanted to show a point of difference with Steam and it's client and issues related to DRM, they should have kept downloader and client separate apps, with interaction between the two when required or requested.
Yepoleb: Dealing with regular support is so frustrating because they seem to do everything to not have to handle your ticket when all I want to do is give thoroughly researched technical bug reports.
Regular support people are mostly glorified messengers that, I guess, send notifications and concerns "to the appropriate teams" where they lie, appropriately ignored for all eternity...
Darvond: The problem being that you have to live in Poland.
Not a great time to move to Poland IMO.
StingingVelvet: Not a great time to move to Poland IMO.
Is there ever a good time to move to Poland?
Come one, give them some time. It has only been 12 years of broken things. You can't rush this things. I am sure it will be all repaired in due time. Around 2040 is my estimate.
StingingVelvet: Not a great time to move to Poland IMO.
Darvond: Is there ever a good time to move to Poland?
Clearly, you've never had their cakes man, proper sock rocking
Let's see, can I attach an image now...
untitled.jpg (57 Kb)
I just remembered exists. I probably should report bugs there the next time.
Post edited November 27, 2020 by Yepoleb