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I doubt there is any legal hell/doubt regarding SWAT4. It is just Activision's legal team being lazy and overly cautious in response to that article.
I agree. I missed this game back in the day, and now it's impossible to buy anywhere. Really want to try it.
Elmofongo: I'm one of the few that still owns the GOG version. (Still have the installer in my GOG folder)
darthspudius: did it have any good extras?
Sorry for not replying sooner.

It includes Manuals, Wallpapers, Developer's Diaries, Avatars, and Artworks
darthspudius: did it have any good extras?
Elmofongo: Sorry for not replying sooner.

It includes Manuals, Wallpapers, Developer's Diaries, Avatars, and Artworks
Cool! Also... You will be... *evil eyes*
Elmofongo: Sorry for not replying sooner.

It includes Manuals, Wallpapers, Developer's Diaries, Avatars, and Artworks
darthspudius: Cool! Also... You will be... *evil eyes*
Back on topic yeah thinking back I am pretty sure its less of copyright entanglement and more just Activision being lazy, because Revenant was technically going through the samething right? That game is technically owned by Square Enix now (and is according to the publisher in the store page)
SWAT 4 really had potential, but I felt it missed the mark by a fucking mile.

The AI had serious shortcomings and your team mates were too pacifistic. Even with non-lethal weapons they refused to use them. Even against suspects that had just gunned one of them down. There was no point to any of them and your only recourse (as with the Rainbow Six games) was to abandon your team entirely and do everything yourself. For a squad based game that's an outright fucking fail right there.

The rules of engagement were unauthentic and again way too pacifistic. I get that they're trying to paint SWAT as the good guys, but punishment for gunning down an armed suspect who's running right at you and milliseconds from shooting you in the face is not in the ROE of any armed force anywhere in the world.

Don't get me wrong, the game has many fine qualities. I played the hell out of it and completed it at least once. But the faults overshadow it and I wouldn't return to it now even if it was here.